As Intellectual Property rights gain a well-deserved popularity with each passing day, not only with technological advancements but also with developments in every sphere of life like health, climate, art, popular culture, social media, etc., the practitioners of IP become the heart and soul of the matter as well.
Patent and trademark attorneys, lawyers, judges, IP consultants, engineers, and other support units working in the IP field are increasing in numbers each year; it is easily and happily noticed that women become the key figures of the subject professions. The women in the IP field are becoming more organized, forming formal and informal communities in associations, companies, social media, and so on to support each other in the professional life, to share the difficulties they encounter, and to advise new career opportunities all over the world.
International Associations as AIPPI and INTA also set a good example in supporting women in the IP field, which seems male-dominated like all other professions, and they make organizations and events to gather female members almost every year.
As STOCK, we are proud to name ourselves as one of the pioneer companies which are female-dominated. Almost 90% of STOCK’s employees are female and we have a high percentage of women in the upper management level.
Female employees are versatile, determined, elaborate and careful; they have high communication and persuasion skills, they are successful in problem-solving and crisis management and are highly sensitive to social issues; making them ideal teammates for the Intellectual Property field that requires meticulousness, attention, and open communication.
We celebrate the International Women’s Day of all our employees and all women in the world and wish that the place and importance of women in the business world and social world will increase with each passing year.